Quelle: Schloss Dagstuhl LZI
Vorläufiges Programm:
* Für sämtliche Labore werden VM-Images verteilt und es ist ein eigener Laptop erforderlich. Weitere Details folgen.
- Simon Peter (University of Texas at Austin): The Quest for Low Latency
- Dieter Kasper (Fujitsu): Future hardware technologies and their impact on the OS
- Steffen Reith (Hochschule RheinMain): Cryptography in Automotive OS
- Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Timo Hönig (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): Predictability Issues in Operating Systems (time, space, energy)
- Andrea Bastoni (SysGo): Certifiable Time-Critical Hypervisor: Industrial State of the Art and Challenges
- Bruno Mesnet (IBM Nice): OpenCAPI and CAPI Hardware acceleration enablement
- Tim Harris (Amazon): Five ways not to fool yourself - designing experiments for understanding performance
- Labor 1.1: Dieter Kasper (Fujitsu): Programmierung mit Persistent Memory
- Labor 1.2: Alexander Lochmann, Michael Engel (TU Dortmund, FH Coburg): Kernel Level Debugging and Profiling in Linux
- Labor 2: Bruno Mesnet, Alexandre Castellane (IBM Nice, IBM Montpellier): Hands on FPGA Acceleration Praktikum
Benötigte Software:
- Christoph Schlameuss (IBM): Secure Service Container im Mainframe
- Jürgen Gross (SUSE): Spectre, Meltdown et al. - mitigation work behind the scenes
- Tim Harris (Amazon): tba