Submission of Talks and Short Papers

Submission Guidelines for Meeting of the GI/ITG Special Interest Group Operating Systems

We welcome you to submit your research work to the Meeting of the GI/ITG Special Interest Group Operating Systems in two different categories: Talks and Short Papers. Each of these categories has its specific guidelines, outlined below.

1. Talks

Submissions for Talks should be in the form of an abstract only.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. Length: The abstract should be concise and not exceed one page.
  2. Format: Your abstract should clearly outline the main argument, methodology, results, and implications of your research.
  3. Language: Abstracts must be written in English or German
  4. Do not submit a PDF if you only want to give a talk!

2. Short Papers

Submissions for Short Papers should include both an abstract and a full PDF document that adheres to the ACM template.

Short Paper Submission Guidelines

  1. Length: Your paper should be between 2 and 6 pages long, plus references.
  2. Format: Please follow the ACM format for your paper. An example LaTeX template is provided below. Sections should include Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion as appropriate. Ensure that all diagrams, figures, and tables are clear and legible.
  3. Language: All papers must be written in English.

ACM LaTeX Template

Please use the ACM LaTeX Templates for your submission. Use the following preamble for your submission:

   DOI: \url{}.
   GI/ITG FG Operating Systems, March 2025, Potsdam, DE.

Review Process for Short Papers

A program committee consisting of members of the steering board will review the submissions and decide on their acceptance. The reviewers will assess the clarity of the presentation, the relevance to the conference themes, and the potential for stimulating insightful discussions.


If accepted, the papers will be published in the GI Digital Library. The submission is to be licensed under a Creative Commons license.

By submitting your work to the Meeting of the GI/ITG FG Operating Systems, you agree to these guidelines and to the potential publication if your work if it is accepted. Please note that submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may risk being rejected.